ECF Research provides Private Investors with an independent perspective on equity crowdfunding investment opportunities.
High Quality Campaign Appraisals
Independent research into the prospects of companies raising funds on equity crowdfunding platforms is hard to find.
Our mission is to bring transparency and objectivity to company evaluation, allowing private investors to have a better insight in a company's prospects, make better investment decisions in relation to equity crowdfunding campaigns and ultimately generate higher returns on their funds available for investment.
Feedback on Appraisals
In the spirit of openness, the promoters of the campaigns about which we write, together with private investors, are welcome to comment on our reports.
Very often, campaign promoters may not like or agree with our appraisal of their campaign. We therefore feel it's important they have a 'right of reply', particularly if we have misunderstood or misinterpreted some aspect of the business. To facilitate this, the Comments section under each campaign appraisal will be open to those interested in offering feedback. Private investors are also welcome to leave their own feedback.
Learn how to Evaluate Campaigns
Knowing how to evaluate the prospects of a business raising funds through equity crowdfunding is an art, not a science.
Every investment opportunity has different characteristics because every business has varying strengths and weaknesses. In so far as is possible, we try to evaluate each of these strengths and weaknesses, from both a qualitative and a quantitative perspective, in order to arrive at an overall perspective of the investment opportunity. By following our methodology you will become better at evaluating early stage investment opportunities.